Professional Certification in Education Abroad

SIT and The Forum on Education Abroad offer joint credentialing for The Forum’s Professional Certification in Education Abroad program. This online program is intended for students and professionals who want to certify their knowledge and expertise in the practice of education abroad. The program is structured around The Forum’s Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad.

SIT MA students can elect to take up to three elective courses. With advance registration, successful completion of the full three-credit sequence will result in awarding of The Forum’s Professional Certification in Education Abroad. Certification participants who are not SIT Students may elect to earn graduate credit from SIT upon successful completion of each course, as long as they register in advance. Courses are designed to have practical application; each includes a series of modules based on the Standards of Good Practice and a culminating project.

SIT’s new partnership with The Forum will enable students to gain an additional professional credential in the design, delivery, and management of education abroad programs from a leading professional association.

Dr. Sora Friedman, Professor, EdD in Global Education

Individuals who complete the Certification are recognized on The Forum’s website and may utilize The Forum’s “Certified Professional” mark on resumes, curricula vitae, email signatures, business cards, letterhead, and websites. Special recognition is also given at The Forum’s Annual and European Conferences. One one-credit course will be offered each during the fall, spring, and summer terms.

Additional fees apply. Please visit The Forum on Education Abroad for more details.

How to Apply

Current SIT graduate students register through the standard course registration process in “Self-Service” during each term’s regular course registration and add/drop period. (Additional fees apply)

Non-matriculated participants pursuing graduate credit from SIT must register for The Professional Certification in Education Abroad on The Forum’s website and complete an additional application form for SIT.

Credits and Coursework

One to three credits. Students who successfully complete the three-course series may also earn The Forum’s Certification credential. Certification in education abroad validates fundamental knowledge of The Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad, recognizes the ability to articulate and to apply the Standards, establishes advanced capabilities in analysis and synthesis of the Standards, and demonstrates a commitment to professional excellence and ethical conduct.

IEDP-5047: Good Practice in Ed Abroad, Part 1, 1 credit, online (offered during the fall term only)

This course covers the material from The Forum on Education Abroad Professional Certification in The Standards of Good Practice in Education Abroad. Modules include Framing The Standards of Good Practice and Program Design Using The Standards.

IEDP-5048: Good Practice in Ed Abroad, Part 2, 1 credit, online (offered during the spring term only)

This course covers the material from The Forum on Education Abroad Professional Certification in The Standards of Good Practice in Education Abroad. Modules include Program Maintenance from Implementation to Evaluation and Health, Safety and Well-Being; Student Learning and Development: Orientation and Advising; and Student Learning and Development: Integration, Reflection and Assessment.

IEDP-5049: Good Practice in Ed Abroad, Part 3, 1 credit online (offered during the summer term only)

This course covers the material from The Forum on Education Abroad Professional Certification in the Standard of Good Practice in Education Abroad. Modules include Student Learning and Development: Orientation and Advising and Student Learning and Development: Integration, Reflection, and Assessment.

To receive the Professional Certification in The Standards of Good Practice, learners must successfully complete three credits of coursework.

Note: For non-SIT matriculated students, pre-registration with The Forum and additional fees are required for Professional Certification. Non-matriculated participants may enroll on The Forum’s website.

Sample Topics
  • Framing the Standards of Good Practice
  • Program Design
  • Program Management: From Implementation to Evaluation
  • Health, Safety, and Well-Being
  • Student Learning and Development