Grading & Evaluation
Grading Scale
Revised January 15, 2020
A (Outstanding, 94–100)
The student’s achievement demonstrated high-level learning and intellectual engagement with the course of study that far exceeded the acceptable standard for graduate education. Work produced indicated
initiative beyond the course requirements, always reflecting additional work, insights, and/or integration of ideas. Assignments were thorough, thoughtful, and original, with a notable sophistication in integrating the
general ideas discussed in class as they related to the student’ own project and learning goals. Achievement of learning outcomes indicated a mastery of material and development of skills.
A– (Very Good, 90–93)
The student’s achievement exceeded satisfactory accomplishment. Work demonstrated active learning and intellectual engagement with the course of study, indicating initiative beyond the requirements. Individual was prepared for class, contributed constructively to class discussions, and was actively involved throughout the course. Individual demonstrated an increasing sophistication in integrating the general ideas discussed in class as they related to his/her own project. Very good progress was made in the majority of the specific learning outcomes of the course.
B+ (Good, 87–89)
The student’s achievement exceeded satisfactory accomplishment, showing a clear indication of initiative, comprehension of material, and the ability
to work with concepts. Work reflected frequent engagement with the course throughout the term. Assignments were thorough and complete, often reflecting additional work, insights, or integration of ideas. Individual was often prepared for class, often contributed thoughtfully to the class discussion, and was often involved in the course. Individual showed facility in integrating the general ideas discussed in class discussions as they related to his/her own project. Work demonstrated initiative beyond the requirements. Good progress was made in the majority of the specific
outcomes of the course.
B (Satisfactory, 84–86)
The student’s achievement demonstrated satisfactory accomplishment. Work reflected engagement with the course throughout the term. Individual showed progress in working on class assignments/projects. Assignments were complete and reflected a sense of how each piece of work built on the previous assignments. Individual was prepared for class, contributed thoughtfully to the class discussion, and was involved in the course. Individual showed reasonable facility in integrating the general ideas discussed in class discussions as they related to his/her own project. Work demonstrated initiative beyond the requirements. Individual was engaged as a member of the learning community. Satisfactory progress was made in the majority of the specific outcomes of the course.
B–, C+, C, and C– can all be assigned as final grades.
Note that only grades of B (3.000) and above may count toward degree completion. Any course required for one’s degree program for which B– or below is earned must be repeated.
F (Failing)
Work does not meet criteria identified above.
Grade of Incomplete
This policy allows a student with extenuating circumstances a brief extension (maximum 60 days) to complete outstanding work after the end of a semester or program end date despite deadlines set forth in the syllabus. In rare situations, an extension beyond 60 days may be granted due to health or other extraordinary circumstances. However, in no case should the extension to complete outstanding work be granted for more than a total of 120 days after the end of the semester or program end date. Please see SIT’s Grade of Incomplete policy here.
Grade Change Policy
When a grade is submitted to the Registrar’s Office, it is considered final, except for Incomplete (I) grades. The grade cannot be changed except by the instructor. The student has the right to appeal a grade in writing to the instructor within six months of the posting of the grade. If the instructor accepts the appeal, the instructor will submit a Grade Change Form to the registrar. If the instructor denies that appeal, the student may appeal to
the Academic Review Board. See the Academic Review Board section below for more details. All grade changes must be submitted on the Grade Change Form. Note: If grade change is submitted more than six months from the end of the semester in which the course was offered, the change must be approved by the Academic Dean. No grade change will be considered after one year from the end of the semester in which the course was offered.
Grade Appeal
Phase One
A student seeking a grade change must first, within 60 days of the posting of the grade, write a formal grade appeal letter directed to their academic director or program director or SIT Graduate Institute faculty (henceforth all referred to as faculty), providing any supporting documents for the grade appeal. In considering the appeal, the faculty relies on the materials and information the student submitted. The faculty may also consult with appropriate in-country faculty and reevaluate work that may have remained in-country and any other documentation relevant to the specific course(s) being appealed. Within 30 days of receipt of the appeal letter, the faculty must send a written response to the student. If the grade has been changed, the faculty submits a grade change form to the SIT registrar.
Phase Two
If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the first phase and wants to proceed further, they must submit a second appeal letter, in writing, within 30 days to the appropriate academic dean. This second appeal letter must include all relevant materials, documentation, and information. The faculty is also asked to provide documentation. The academic dean then gathers all the documentation and forwards all documents to an
SIT Academic Review Board which is composed of one academic dean and two relevant faculty who are not in any way connected to the case.
The Academic Review Board will decide on the appeal, and their decision will be communicated to the student by the academic dean within 30 days after receiving the appeal letter and documentation. The academic dean will also communicate with the faculty and the registrar, in case of a grade change.
Phase Three
Should the student want to appeal the Academic Review Board’s decision, they must send a third appeal letter to SIT’s chief academic officer, with a copy to the academic dean. This must be done within 30 days of receipt of the Academic Review Board’s decision. This appeal must be based only on the evidence and rationale previously considered by the SIT Academic Review Board. The chief academic officer will review the official record of these proceedings. The chief academic officer’s decision is final, and they will notify the involved individuals within 30 days of receipt of the student’s final appeal. If the student’s appeal results in a change to the academic record, the SIT registrar updates the student record.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
The U.S. Department of Education implemented Program Integrity Rules to protect Title IV students and taxpayers, effective July 1, 2011. One component of the rules requires SIT to adopt an institutional Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy to ensure (Title IV) students are making measurable progress toward satisfactory completion of a program. They include the standards by which SIT must measure progress toward satisfactory completion of a program.