Good Academic Standing
Students in graduate degree or certificate programs must maintain a minimum 3.00 (B) GPA to be in good academic standing. A grade of B– (B minus) or below or a grade of NP in any course is considered a failing grade and is not applicable toward degree completion. If a student’s GPA falls below 3.00 or the student earns grade(s) of NP, the following policies may apply:
Academic Probation
The policy serves to inform students enrolled in SIT Graduate Institute of the consequences of not being in good academic standing, including relevant explanations, procedures, and appeals process pertaining to Academic Probation. Please see SIT’s Academic Probation policy here.
Academic Dismissal
A student on probation who fails to raise their cumulative GPA to at least 3.00 or who fails to pass repeated courses by the end of the semester on probation will be dismissed from the program for academic reasons. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.50 will be dismissed.
Appealing Academic Dismissal
Students who have been dismissed from SIT Graduate School due to poor academic performance may appeal the academic dismissal decision to the office of the dean of SIT Graduate School. The affected party must submit an appeal of the academic dismissal to the office of the dean of SIT Graduate School no later than 30 days after the date of dismissal. The letter of appeal should include:
(a) the reasons for the appeal,
(b) any relevant summary of discussions that took place between the student and representatives of the student’s program of study and or advisor,
(c) and outcome or solution proposed by the student.
The dean of SIT Graduate School informs the representatives of the student’s program of study of the appeal by sending them a copy of the student’s letter of appeal. Reasons for appeal:
(a) inaccurate calculation of grade
(b) inappropriate application of standards for academic performance and satisfactory progress
(c) circumstances that are relevant to the dismissal but only became known after the dismissal
Process for responding to appeal: The dean of SIT Graduate School may:
(a) act on the appeal
(b) appoint a designee to collect additional information on behalf of the dean
(c) constitute a review committee consisting of at least three persons to provide a recommendation to the dean of SIT Graduate School
The committee may review all materials and communications and request additional information.
Veterans Readmission Policy
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) provides that any student whose absence from an institution of higher education is necessitated by reason of service in the armed services shall be entitled to readmission upon return from military service without an application if:
- the cumulative length of the absence does not exceed five years;
- the student submits a notification of intent to reenroll to the registrar; and
- the student’s service did not end in dishonorable or bad conduct discharge or dismissal.
Reinstatement Policy
Full-time SIT Graduate Institute students have five years from the time they matriculate to complete their chosen degree requirements. Part-time SIT Graduate Institute students have six years from the time they matriculate to complete their chosen degree requirements. Any student who does not complete the degree within this time frame will be withdrawn from the program. However, SIT acknowledges that certain circumstances might arise that could prevent a student from completing a degree within the prescribed time frame and will consider student appeals for extension.
The purpose of the reinstatement policy is to provide an opportunity for these students to complete the degree; increase our number of graduates; recognize the accomplishments of students who have established meaningful careers without the degree but for whom a degree is now seen as valuable; and expand the global community of SIT alumni who are contributing to their fields in important ways, thereby enhancing the international reputation of SIT Graduate Institute. The reinstatement process has been designed to serve as a form of reapplication, reviewed on its own merits, and to ensure that the student’s learning is active and current in their field.
Upon approval of the reinstatement application, the student may be granted up to an additional two years to complete outstanding degree requirements, in any case, not to exceed ten years from the date of matriculation. Those seeking reinstatement can find the necessary forms at MySIT. For more information about the reinstatement process, please contact the Registrar’s Office at [email protected].
*Limited Reinstatement Amnesty (2023-2024 academic year): if a student seeks reinstatement after the 10-year period has passed, they may make an appeal to illustrate extenuating circumstances for reinstatement beyond the 10-year time limit. Their appeal should be sent to the Associate Dean of the Graduate Institute. The student is responsible for providing all necessary supporting documentation. Each case will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the GI Associate Dean, the VP of Enrollment, and the Dean of Assessment. If the committee is considering a case that will include the development of a new or alternative course plan, the chair of the program will also be included in the decision. The Provost has final review over the reinstatement.
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic integrity is essential to the educational and social justice mission of SIT. The Academic Integrity Policy serves to foster a culture of academic honesty by communicating clear standards of academic conduct; establishing guidelines for reporting suspected violations; setting forth procedures for addressing reported violations to ensure fair and timely application of standards; and facilitating the resolution of charges. All members of SIT’s academic community are expected to understand and follow the standards of academic integrity. These standards apply to all work submitted or presented, regardless of stage of completion. For complete information, please see the full SIT Academic Integrity Policy, Student Guide to the SIT Integrity Policy, and SIT Academic Integrity Policy Sanction Guidelines.