Payment Methods & Deadlines
SIT Student Financial Services
Tel: 802 258-3197
Tel: 800 336-1616 (toll-free in US)
Fax: 802 258-3500
Email: [email protected]
Payment Methods
Payments can be made by via our online portal.
- Preferred payment method is by check (Web E-Check). There is no service fee.
- Payments by Credit Card. As a convenience, we offer the choice of credit card payments by Master Card, Visa, American Express or Discover. Payments may be made online via Self-Service by Credit Card (with a 2.15% fee).
- Payments by Check or Money Order. Please send checks or money orders, made payable to ‘SIT Graduate Institute’ to:
SIT Office of Student Accounts
1 Kipling Road, Box 676
Brattleboro, VT 05302
Please be sure to include your full name and degree program on your payment.
Payment Deadlines
Payments are due in equal payments for Global Master’s degree programs on:
- Fall: Due on August 1
- Spring: Due on November 14
- Summer: Due on May 1
Payments are due in equal payments for the doctoral degree programs on:
- Summer: Due on May 1
- Fall: Due on August 1
- Spring: Due on November 14
Payment Plans
Payment plans are available on a limited basis, upon request.
Liability Schedule
Except for the nonrefundable deposit, students who drop courses prior to the first day of the semester do not incur any financial liability. After the semester starts, the following refund schedule applies:
Refunds are prorated as follows.
- Prior to the first day of orientation: 100% refund
- During the first 10% of the semester: 90% refund
- Between 11% and 25% of the semester: 75% refund
- Between 26% and 50% of the semester: 50% refund
- After 50% of the semester: no refund
The refund amount will be based on the date the student submits a written withdrawal request to the registrar.