Job Boards
For your convenience and information, SIT Career Services has compiled lists of general and degree-relevant job boards. Please note that these lists do not constitute an official endorsement or recommendation on behalf of SIT, nor do the posted jobs signify a guarantee of employment.
We advise you to research all employers prior to applying for any advertised position. We recommend following the guidance on avoiding fraudulent employers or job postings provided by the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE). Some of these tips include:
- Research company websites and social media to confirm the employer is legitimate and the information on the website matches with the job posting.
- Look the company up on to view feedback and complaints.
- Be wary of unsolicited e-mails, especially those that are not specifically directed to you.
- Do not share private information such as social security numbers, banking information, or passwords.
- Do not process any financial transactions.
- Consult your career center if you feel uncomfortable or aren’t sure about a particular company or employer.
Climate Change & Global Sustainability
- Climate Careers
- Conservation Careers
- Conservation Job Board
- Cyber Sierra Natural Resources Jobs
- Eco Jobs
- Environmental Career Center
- Green Jobs
- Josh’s Water Jobs
- Land Trust Alliance Job Board
- National Recreational and Park Association
- OpenChannels: Sustainable Ocean Management and Conservation
- Sea Grant Graduate Fellowships
- Waterkeeper Alliance
Diplomacy & International Relations
Global Health
- Consortium of Universities for Global Health Job Board
- Engender Health
- Global Health Council Job Board
- Global Health Jobs
- Global Health Strategies
- International Training and Education Center for Health
- MEASURE Demographic and Health Surveys
- Public Health Employment Connect (managed by Emory University Rollins School of Public Health)
- Public Health Institute
- Task Force for Global Health
- World Health Organization
International Education
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Diversity Abroad
- ForumJobs
- Gateway International Group Jobs Board
- Global Partnership for Education
- HERC (Higher Education Recruitment Consortium)
- Higher Ed Jobs
- Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) job page
- NAFSA Job Board
- Professionals in International Education
- SECUSS-listserv
Peace & Justice Leadership
- ADRHub
- Alliance for Peacebuilding Opportunity Board
- Careers, US Institute of Peace
- Design, Monitoring and Evaluation for Peacebuilding
- European Peacebuilding Liaison Office postings
- National Association of Restorative Justice
- Peace & Collaborative Development Network
- Search for Common Ground
- USAID Careers